Golden Retriever

Tegund: Golden Retriever
Tengiliður: Sunna Birna Helgadóttir, netfang

 Stutt kynning


Tegunda hópur: 8 – Sækjandi hundar
Heimaland: England
Stærð (á herðarkamb): Rakki 56 -61 cm. Tík 51 -56 cm.
Litur: Mörg blæbrigði af gulum lit.

Golden Retriever er duglegur sækjandi fuglahundur en í áranna rás hefur hann orðið vinsælli sem heimilishundur. Þar á að sjálfsögðu hlut að máli fegurð hans, ljúft skap og glaðværð.

Eiginleiki hans er þó til staðar og auðvelt að fá hann til að vinna sem fuglahund. Hann hefur einnig verið notaður sem blindrahundur.

Golden Retriever samsvarar sér vel í byggingu, er kröftugur en má þó ekki verða of grófur (klossaður). Hreyfingar eru léttar og frjálslegar. Ennislögun er breið og ennisbrún vel afmörkuð. Trýni er kröftugt. Augu dökk og augnsvipur vinalegur og mildur. Eyru meðalstór. Háls velvöðvaður. Brjóstkassi djúpur og rúmur. Afturfótabeygjur (vinklar) djúpar. Hann má ekki bera skottið of hátt. Feldur sléttur eða liðaður og fætur eiga að skarta síðum feldi (fánum).


Þær hundategundir sem taldar eru standa að Golden Retriever eru Flat-coated Retriever, tweed vatnaspaníel og jafnvel síðar setter.

Golden var fyrst skráður sem hreinræktaður árið 1919.

Standard á ensku

General Appearance
Symmetrical, balanced, active, powerful, level mover; sound with kindly expression.

Biddable, intelligent and possessing natural working ability.

Kindly, friendly and confident.

Head and Skull
Balanced and well chiselled, skull broad without coarseness; well set on neck, muzzle powerful, wide and deep. Length of foreface approximately equals length from well defined stop to occiput. Nose preferably black.

Dark brown, set well apart, dark rims.

Moderate size, set on approximate level with eyes.

Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Good length, clean and muscular.

Forelegs straight with good bone, shoulders well laid back, long in blade with upper arm of equal length placing legs well under body. Elbows close fitting.

Balanced, short-coupled, deep through heart. Ribs deep, well sprung. Level topline.

Loin and legs strong and muscular, good second thighs, well bent stifles. Hocks well let down, straight when viewed from rear, neither turning in nor out. Cow-hocks highly undesirable.

Round and cat-like.

Set on and carried level with back, reaching to hocks, without curl at tip.

Powerful with good drive. Straight and true in front and rear. Stride long and free with no sign of hackney action in front.

Flat or wavy with good feathering, dense water-resisting undercoat.

Any shade of gold or cream, neither red nor mahogany. A few white hairs on chest only, permissible.

Height at withers: dogs: 56-61 cms (22-24 ins); bitches: 51-56 cms (20-22 ins).

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.